Our Heart Themes

Chakana SchoolÂ
Wisdom & Experiences: Ascension Advaita for Awakening. New Earth Living from the Heart. Shamanic & Mystical to emerge.
Connectedness, Creativeness. Joyful - Playful. Unique Journeys to Self within & New Earth
An invitation to dream, compose, author, co-create, and weave the Tapestry of New Earth together from the Heart Consciousness.
This is the Space to connect to your divine & unique essence and vital energy to live, create, express, and BE in Peace, Harmony & Love.
Unlearning & Sound into the Worlds of Conscioussness & the Heart to heal & set free, to emerge & enjoy.
Your Access to Living from the Heart: Our Unique Choice. Weaving these Pillars below togeether.
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and scroll down to find our Online Courses to join.
Our Online Courses
Awakening Essentials
A Journey to Your Self & New Earth
You hear the call in your Heart,
and you know:
You can live in
Your Highest Vibe - Zen(ith)
States of Being.
Heart Centeredness and the unfolding magic and flow of Life.​​
You are
The author, architect, artist, scientist, & maverick of your Life & New Earth.
Your Unique Self - purposeful,
aligned, kind, creative, powerful,
abundant, and joyful.
The Light that you are to illuminate your life and the world.
Get certified in your Uniqueness to shine in your world.
Ready to embark on Your Journey of Awakening to YOU?
You & New Earth
You can see the bridge and ready.
You know you are a Leading Light and/or
Architect of New Earth from the Heart
You resonate and you are ready for:
being a leading light
composing & weaving the tapestry of new New Earth together.
You to break the old of and inspire & be creativeness, courage, and wisdom in Harmony, Power & LOVE.
Boundlessness & openness to invoke Abundance and interconnectedness to .
Embracing New Earth & Aquarian Vibration and its possiblities.
Living 5 & 6 D Consciousness and its potential for all of us new horizons of business, art & community.
Seize your Potential, Power & Presence in New Earth
Classes & Courses are
Coming to You soon
Connecting to
You within to emerge
Journeys, Sound & Experiences
To your unique essence and emerging Self.
Your Shaman within/Heart calling NOW to live, emerge, create & express ​in New Earth
lExperience how you can
access Your Multidimensionality,
grounded & embodied in your human experience.
Access the Shamanic Worlds of Consciousness & your Heart
Live from the Heart
Switch to Homo Luminous - the new Human of the Heart
Update your LightBody
Enjoy the Magic of Your Expression
Emergence 2025 to You is on
Beyond Munay
Medicine Wheel Journeys,
Cermenonies ++
Are you ready?