Four ways for your inspiration and embodiment
of your #Vitality as a #leadinglight
Wellbeing-focused is a trend in 2024 for leadership in general.
So, let’s explore how

In general, it is about providing opportunities for Self and the team to be well, it includes work-life balance, as well as mental health.
In a time of chaos and transformation, evolutionary leaps and new horizons of consciousness, it is pivotal to expand our horizons of Wellbeing.
First, what is Self? Who am I talking to
Your Wholeness,
Your Human Experience,
the body you have with mind and senses,
your heart to connect to your I AM Presence, Soul, Spirit and Source.
General definition of Well-being
A state of being comfortable, healthy and happy.
We are referring to physical, mental, emotional, and social, I want to add spiritual well-being too
As evolutionary leaders, we can not just look at the trend and follow it. We are here to expand and inspire beyond.
We are invited here to connect, to be active, to be aware, to keep learning and to give.
And yes, there is much we can address here. Not the problems but the opportunities and potential.
What can Wellness-focused look Like?
Here are four ways I am offering you beyond Well-Being.
Spices and Ingredients go beyond well-being and into
Harmonic States of Being, I call Vitality.
How you want to bring them into your life, leadership and relations is up to you.
Your choice is what makes your heart sing and what you put into your own recipe.
Vitality still includes all the above aspects, physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual (integrity).
This Vitality is based on Harmony and how we dance to the sacred rhythms of vitality and harmony.
We live in a crazy and turbulent time and most of us are caught up in busyness and wellness and vitality often are not part of this. Yet, more than ever to be in these natural
As an #evolutionaryleader, you take care of your Self and you share and care for those you leading to inspire how to dance to the sacred rhythms of vitality and harmony.
How do you relax and connect to your Self?
There is meditation and nature connection, there is breathing and prayer.
There is no right or wrong - just a strong necessity to do this.
As a leader, how to you inspire others? Being an example can be a first step
What do you do to make your heart sing?
This is about our creativeness, the power to create. Some of us of course do that with or through our world, endeavors and leadinglight, but it may be something else, and a hobby can take into new zeniths of your vitality.
The book you wanted to write, that travel or retreat that you wanted to do.
That special experience you are about to make happen.
That creative expression that is flowing out of you. That thing that you wanted to learn or unlearn
How do you embrace Your Natural Flow & Harmony?
This is about listening to your body, your heart and your energy. We all have a different natural flow and harmony and only if we are in this Flow life is unfolding. It may require breaking old comforts and feeling safe, trusting and ready to leap regardless. Embracing the magic of the uncertain and unknown by knowing it is your path. Your #evolutionaryleap.
How do you move?
Again it does not matter how you move, but this physical body that you have needs movement. You don’t need to be an athlete or sporty, but this human body is designed to move. You want flexibility, strengths and stamina.
There are many ways to get that, at home or in community and groups. Make it a priority for you and your team. As the body is flexible, strong and with grit, so is your Mind, your Senses and your Spirit, Energy and Vitality.
See you there.
Of course, food also plays a role in #welllbeing and #vitality
Beyond healthy food, do you eat fresh and organic, alive and conscious?
By conscious I mean, are you aware what is good for your body?
What is the importance of Well-Being and Vitality for you as a leader,
For you and the people you are leading.
How can you be a #wellbeing and #vitalitybased evolutionary leader in 2024 and beyond?
Yes, we are totally in #Vitality and it is one of our core values, our praxis and #AscensionHeartBridge to #newearth. We are a Vitality-based Business & #RetreatDesign and #experience
Let us know in the comments about your #wellbeing and #vitality-focussed #evolutionaryleadership.
Experience in our Retreat
we are sharing with you there what wellness-focused can look like with a range of bonuses and surprises
Evolutionary Leadership Retreat in Jamaica.
With Rev. Michele K. Synegal and Elizabeth Terry
Book your space now and talk to us about your preferred accommodation in one of the villas.
find in our retreat section
Our Retreat: Rekindle your HeartFire, we also cook for you, and take your Vitality even deeper. find in our retreat section
See you there.
Let us know now what destination is your favourite destiny
Please register your preference we are about to complete the first retreat with four and make it happen.