Reconnect to the HEART
Six Signs You Are Called
By Patrick A. Sonqo
Yes, the recent portal opening into the Grand Awakening of the Heart to Heart Consciousness is exciting, as it brings us many opportunities to come into our hearts truly. The Portal is open from January 27th, 2024 and will be at least open till March 3rd, 2026, so we have some time to enjoy.
In general, the level of ascension symptoms is high. At the same time with the portal, it is easier to navigate, connect, unleash, ignite and dance to the rhythms of the Great Shift. A time of deconstruction and Rebirthing. There is no escaping or ignoring, we can’t hide from the cycles of the cosmos, the evolution of Earth or our metamorphic evolution from homo sapiens to homo luminous, this is a collective event that is about our uniqueness and sovereignty together.
Reconnect to the HEART is our new Online Interactive Program to ride the wave with the Portal and AscensionVibes 2024, interestingly, I was writing about #AscensionVibes2024 before I knew anything about the Portal. When we trust the signs and go with it anyway - the magic does happen and unfold.
While we are all called and Heart Awakening and Reconnecting to the HEART is a Journey to Mastery for each one here, some of us may not be ready to live fully in new earth, what we call the 5th dimension and higher. While quite a few of us are already in New Earth it is still a choice. We all can and have access and we love to have you all on our Program.
This program is original, unique and authentic, created from our hearts and our heart spirit team for YOU.
I am guided to share these six signs for you to hear your call and resonance.
Sign One: You dare to leap into the Mystery
You may be on a path of ascension. You are ready to step up. You are connected to wisdom and the invisible and the Mystery gives you a sense of exhilaration and urgency.
Sign Two: You are ready to be fully responsible
You are fully aware this is not something to begin and leave open. You have the grit and heart to take you through, and you are ready for our support and grit.
Sign Three: You know it is time to embrace your Heart
You know, whatever is happening, the path is through the Heart. It is time for the Journey to Mastery, so you can step on the Journey of Mastery.
You know it is the time to own your journey, the journey to Mastery
Sign Four: You dare to embrace your Heart’s Potential
You know it is a challenge you are ready to take on.
Sign Five: You are ready to sing your Heart’s Song
You hear the song and you know it is time to join.
Sign Six: You are ready to dance to your Heart’s Rhythms
You know it is time to dance to your Rhythms and the Rhythms of Harmony in a sacred relationship.
You can enroll at any time.
If we are full, we offer you to join the waiting list.
Go on the link here to enroll
It is an exhilarating time and we are grateful to have you on board.
Click the Link to find out more and enroll

Great to have you here. Please share about your connection to the heart.