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Dare to Live Your Passion Four Invitations to Meet Your Passion to enjoy LIFE and Conscious Awakening

Patrick Yenga Sonqo

Meet your passion to enjoy life and conscious awaking
Do you dare to live your passion?

This question can be controversial, like your purpose and potential, and on some level they belong together. Over the years, quite a few now, I noticed passion was always present, even when I was busy trying to fit in or survive.

My Passion from when I was a child was music, nature, language, relatedness, the unknown, phronesis (practical wisdom), and consciousness. Yes, always eclectic. I wanted to see beyond and share the love, so others could see it and live it too. I was passionate about sharing and being present to explore and evolve together.

What is Passion? Do you Dare to live your Passion?

Passion is considered the seed of our True Self, not just the physical and human experience, but our whole being, and the energy that truly drives us. Passion is the Zeal and Zest of our Heart Fire and Heart's Song.

We can see passion in many different ways. Here, we focus on the passion that makes your heart sing. Passion is one flame of the Heart Fire that burns away doubts and ignites Zeal, dedication, and LOVE.

Passion is even an aspect of LOVE, together with Gratitude and Adoration.

The passion that aligns with the boundless fields of creation, possibilities, and potential. It is here that alignment and connectedness play a crucial role.

Passion is the connection to your Heart and evolutionary Self to evolve and awaken.

However, many of us, have not met or experienced passion. It is a bit like our dreams are often underrated or suppressed. In addition, some people tell us to follow the trend, security, duty, obligation, logic, and opportunity presented. Finally, it could be dangerous to live and express our passion, as we leave the comfort in our suffering, and leap into the unknown and uncertainty. But, unless we make an evolutionary or quantum leap, we don’t know, and we can’t hold on to the past, it will break anyway. We are often torn in fear, conflicts, limitations, and myths like the Starving Artist Syndrome.

Living our passion and singing our heart’s song is also a sign and key to conscious awakening.

Do you know your passion, pitch, and purpose?

What is the frequency of Passion?

Passion is a divine expression and experience of Love, perpetuating and permeating your Life and present in your I AM. Passion is also one of the four flames of your Heart Fire. Passion is a free and exciting energy.

If you feel the calling to your passion - you are awakening and evolving.

It is not a problem that needs solving. It is a wake-up call to explore.

So, where are you at now?

Can you imagine you are aligned with your Passion?

Let us know in the comments, and what invitations call you.

First Invitation to Meet Your Passion:

Reconnect to Your Heart

You can meet your passion as you connect to your Heart. This is also called Heart/Mind Coherence and the first step of Conscious Awakening, where you meet Your Soul, Spirit, and Source(Fractal), in passion. Our I AM has chosen this human experience at a time of Ascension and Conscious Evolution into New Earth, as Homo Luminous.

The Heart is the Compass and Link to your evolved and connected Self.

In Advaita Vedanta, a mystic school, we are falling into the Heart to connect. You are invited when you get conscious about your intuition and when your heart is talking to you. When you feel the invitation, your passion is ready to awaken. Your flame Passion in your Heart Fire is ignited with your Spirit Animal Dragon (Fire Dragon), together you learn how to express and live your passion from the Heart. Your Heart has three more Flames. We activate all in our Heart Fire Retreat.

When you are connecting to your heart, you also find your HeartLight, Heart Song, and Rhythms, Heart Chakra activations into 5 and 6 D, together with Higher Heart and Throat in love and harmony with the Cosmos, Divine, and all there is. You also connect to the Heart in the Sacred Rites of the Munay Ki. Can you imagine what is like to dare to live your Passion without judgment, guilt, regret, or shame? This is Homo Luminous in New Earth.

Second Invitation Daring to Live Your Passion:

Enjoy Your Unique Spices and Sparks

This invitation to your passion takes you to your Spices and Sparks. Your Spices and Sparks are unique to you, you may use cinnamon or cloves, pimento or cardamon, mustard seeds or cayenne, saffron or anise, of course, there are many more.

As you are inviting your Spices to your Passion, you get clear about the uniqueness of passion and self. Your Spices are the sense of passion that fills your life with joy and sets you free from negativity and blocks. The more you dare, the more you access your Living from the Heart: Your Unique Choice.

Your Sparks are your Vibration that lifts you and elevates your spirit, your mood, your dimension, your frequency, and your consciousness into a Zenith Presence and Consciousness, where you always can see and have a choice.

Your Spices and Sparks are keys to unlocking your Self, your Joy, your Conscious Awakening and Evolution, and enabling your very own evolutionary leaps. Your Sparks also illuminate your healing, the old suffering, akashic records, ancestral blocks, traumas and dramas, Victim and Saboteur Roles. Your Sparks can ignite your Passion with ease. Are you ready for this invitation of your Spices and Sparks?

Third Invitation:

Meet the Poise to Rejoice of Your Passion

When your Poise to Rejoice invites you to enjoy your passion, you know it is time for a sacred bond, this is not a religious limitation, but a conscious choice to enjoy. Your Poise is that magic, where you feel elegant, graceful, peaceful, harmonious, and present to YOU. You can reach here your Harmonic States of Being, allowing you to flow and remember your Zenith Presence, the highest and most enlightened states of your being, where the consciousness in your heart guides your internal state of grace and harmony, aligns to your external expressions and demeanor, grounded and seasoned in love and harmony. As you rejoice, you are in a state of joy, gratitude, love, and adoration. You are conscious and aware to enjoy your dreams and passion, as homo luminous and your Evolutionary Self, both the unique and also to the collective. How can you embrace your Poise to Rejoice? Dare to live Your Passion

The fourth Invitation:

Meet your Passion in your Voice and Choice

Finally, the last invitation in this blog is your Voice and Choice. It is not easy to let our voice express passion and choice - your ultimate truths. We are conditioned and limited by saying what others want to hear and what fits in, or our ego talk. It is very easy to speak from our liver (anger) or kidneys (fear), the lungs, and large intestines (sadness, and grief), the mind takes us into complaints and suffering, often the heart and its joy don’t get a voice. When we find the puzzle pieces of our lost voice and align them with our heart and passion, we merge with LOVE. We are slaves to our mind games, mindsets, and negativity. It takes Self-Realization and vigilant Awareness to detect our fearful and conditioned voice, but when we dare to express that passion, we become a voice of truths, joy and love. When we realize there is a choice, a conscious choice - the evolutionary journey of conscious awakening begins.

As you enjoy these invitations, you have boundless access, you are just in your Passion and you find you will connect to others with Passion.

And now.

What is your Passion?

Can you imagine living your Passion?

Do you feel your Passion?

Do you trust your Passion?

Do you believe in your Passion?

Do you dare to express and live your Passion?

Not sure? Or aware and ready? Ready to find a way to dare live your Passion?

Remember, life is about exploring, experiencing, evolving, and awakening.

Imagine you let passion pass you by and regret.

Yes, when you accept these four invitations your Access to Living from the Heart: Our Unique Choice, is granted.

How do you relate? Let us know in the comments

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