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Patrick Yenga Sonqo

Awakening Recipes: Ingredients to New Earth & Self

Ingredients to be Real and Sound 

Awakening is seen in many different ways. A Journey, an evolutionary path.

We have all been chosen to awaken when we choose to be here at this time, the end of one cycle into a new one. Piscean to Aquarian - another 2170 years to expand our consciousness and shift from Homo sapiens to homo luminous.

Awakening is often called spiritual. In any case, it makes us aware of the shifts of energy, vibration and frequencies, different consciousness, and the power of the heart, colored now by the Maverick of the Zodiac, Aquarius.

Awakening is about Self, a new consciousness, and a New Earth. Dolores Cannon and Eckart Tolle wrote and spoke (speak about it). There is also astrology, western and Vedic, Mayan, Hopi, and wisdom keepers, who invite us to dance to this Awakening. We are not victims, it is not all written in stone.

New Earth is not an illusion, neither a spiritual bypass or Lala land, but a Vibrational Shift to the Power of the Heart, creating a New Reality in Harmony with the Cosmos, Source & Light. The unique Self is the unique key to New Earth.

We can weave a New Earth together.

We can ‘cook’ our Self and New Earth. In Shamanic Traditions we often talk about cooking something and allow it to become.

Our Self can access and embody a New State of Being. Dimensions of Consciousness & Vibration, Connectedness & Sound matching the new energies and their frequency’

The Metaphor of Awakening Recipes

Metaphors can take us to a world of magic, excitement, applications, and possibilities. Recipes have ingredients, a process, unique spices, creativeness, the art of cooking and preparing, and the pleasure of tasting and enjoying flavors, textures, and aromas invigorating our senses.

Awakening is a process, that requires ingredients, creativeness, and uniqueness to make it happen. We may need some help and inspiration on the way to remember and choose our magic ingredients and spices.

I also like the expression of shamans - let it cook and marinate.

As a Linguistic and Semiotic Magician and Maverick the Awakening Recipes were just too tempting.

What are we cooking? What is awakening?

‘ Mind Games are automatic and default, 

pain and traps covered in an invisible vault.

Seeing the #Light beyond the mental space 

is where we awaken to a new self and phase.

This Light takes us into the #Conscious #Heart

To find peace, power, and #possibilities off any chart.

Here, we get free of drama’s claws, 

and into states of #Zen(ith) to soar like macaws, beyond outdated laws.’ 

Do you wonder what this New Earth is all about? Is it a physical place?

Is it true, we are already separated from the old world, as we know it?

For me, New Earth has already begun, as Dolores Cannon and the Mayan Calendar suggest, in 2012, many others confirmed that, along with many channels and wise beings.

When we can tap into its energy and raise our vibration, we gain access to a new multidimensional consciousness and ground it all. Barbara Hand Cow knew that from 1994 when she first published her book Alchemy of 9 Dimensions, a message from the Pleadeans.

We don’t have to live off-grid, or meditate 12 hours per day, nor do we need to be vegans. However, you may find that living as naturally as you can.

You will find that

  • high-vibrational food, organic and unprocessed,

  • Movement and breath,

  • Relaxation, Meditation, Nature,

  • Connectedness to your Divine, Source, God

do help.

The more often we make that choice, to access higher dimensions and consciousness, the more high-vibrational food we eat, and the easier for the body, and mind to shift.

How you may experience Practical Awakening

  1. Awakening to Your Intuition and trusting it

  2. Enjoy the unfolding magic and flow

  3. Heightened Compassion, Non-Duality, No Longer in a world of judgment

  4. You are connected to your Self Healing - a new relationship with SELF- physical, emotional, mental, spiritual (luminous)

  5. Connecting to your Heart and the mental rollercoaster, mind games, and control

  6. Shift in your relationships and worldview.  Self, others, Nature, Divine. Greater self-awareness of traps and triggers and the Choice we have

  7. You know you have the power to weave a New Earth together and you are doing it

  8. You have your tribe and community to be YOU

The Magic of Awakening Recipes to ‘Cook & Marinate’ Your Self and New Earth

Awakening Recipes are unique to every one of us. You can not cook together with one thousand people, or even 20, it is a unique and personal experience.

We have created and received three essential Recipes with some special ones inside, so seven in all.

Awakening  Recipes of Unplugging

We have two recipes here that unplug your Self from drama and self-sabotage.

These recipes take us into a deep healing from enslavement, entrapment, and entangled of homo sapiens and the past 12000 years on the planet. The Art of Letting Go, Deconstruct, and Detach to graduate from the 3rd and 4th dimensions.

Awakening Recipes of Unlocking

Here, we have three Recipes to unlock the Heart, the Gold Print of Homo Luminous, and the Conscious Architecture of New Earth. We can access here the 5th and 6th dimensions.

Awakening Recipes of Unifying

Here, we explore two recipes: the weaving of New Earth together and fully activating and living the Collective Multidimensional Self. Like in the Celestine Prophesy, the magic in coming together to enter the 7th, 8th, 9th and even higher dimensions.

In our Awakening Essentials, we unlock & Unleash Your Light, Power, Consciousness, and Vibration.

How with the above Awakening Recipes of the Heart for Self and a New Earth the Unique Reality, as a key to be unlocked by all of us.

This is a practical online course, offering you to explore, experience, and apply to the Mastery of Your Self in New Earth.

In the upcoming book series AccessPoint Heart to Your Self & New Earth. Each Recipe can be explored in one book to understand Self & New Earth through the Heart.

Are you curious and ready for your Awakening Recipes?

Link to Awakening Essentials Course

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