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Is Your HeartFire Calling You?

​​We meet and embrace you here in Love & Compassion:


  • You can feel your wholeness but can't connect.

  • You have moments in your heart and inner Self. You wonder how to stay there.

  • You know a voice within you that asks for Harmony and your Integrity to be expressed.

  • You are conscious of your mind games and control and ready to break free.

  • You want to make an Evolutionary Leap into the New You to embrace your untapped potential & magic.


On this Unique Retreat, you can access your Boundless Wisdom and Knowing in Truths, Joy, and Love, as a Co-Creator, and HomoLuminous,  exploring and discovering the Choice within You that sets you free.


We enjoy together the Highest States of Consciousness & Being in the Vibration of New Earth and Cosmic Heart Rhythms.


We create playful connections with Spirit Animals, Nature, Music, and Language unlocking your Heart's Potential, Passion, Expression, and Choice to Evolve Self, Dancing with your HeartFire.


Ready for the Uniqueness of your HeartFire 


5 Days Slow-Paced Retreat - to immerse and emerge to you,

from 1 to 6 participants, or up to 3 couples each time,

33 Days Integration Map & Compass to embody and truly live and speak from your HeartFire


a private master class


Online Gathering with all participants at the end of the year


​​​​Lamas - Peru


Until August 2024

From November  2024


From 1-4 participants or up to 2 couples​

every time​


​​​​​Sicily, Italy


September 30 - October 4

October 11 - 16

October 20 - 24


For 6 participants or up to 3 couples every time


Our Special Guest for your Retreat in Sicily
September 30 - October 4

​​​Georgia is joining us in our Retreat in Sicily, to bring us a

Creative Writing Experience,  an additional spice and tool you will take home.


During your retreat, you will enjoy two 90-minute workshops to deepen your connection through the written and spoken word, which include:


  • Learn how to connect to the heart and core of your ideas

  • Tap into your imagination

  • Ditch self-censorship and business jargon

  • Learn to receive and give feedback

  • Tune into creative vocabulary

  • Unravel more of your writing and speaking voice

  • Explore and express your stories

  • Discover the magic of the 26 letters of the alphabet


Your voice and your pen are your two most powerful tools of communication.

We will flirt, play, juggle, and enjoy the words we create.



Georgia Varjas 

Writing Coach, Speaker and

Published Author

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Awakening the HeartFire to find your tools and treasures to connect and let go, to rebirth and

embrace your passion, to live in harmony, peace, choice, abundance, and love,

always from the heart.


Shamanic Medicine: Music, Ceremonies, Spirit Animals & Rhythms
Meditations - Nature Connection & Immersion - Heart  Language 

Our Retreat Venue in Sicily - 2024

September 30 - October 4   /  October  11 - 16   /  October 20 - 24

Minissale Farmhouse 1

Minissale Farmhouse 1

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